Friday, December 31, 2010

2010 Here & Gone

Another year has come and will soon be gone. 2010 was a year of redemption, personal vindication and growth for the Sales Savior. No new offices or operations to report as the Sales Savior has been enjoying a much earned retreat. I wish all of your endeavors are happy and successful in 2011. Happy New Year everyone!
As always, if you should have any questions about direct sales opportunities, please don't hesitate to ask. I will give your query all due consideration and send you an email with the answer. If I don't know the answer, I'll do my best to find out for you. The most important thing, is to keep trying; keep stretching; keep reaching; keep doing. You may not get whatever it is you are after today or tomorrow, but if you are consistently trying you will eventually get there. It only takes a little bit of effort and a grain or two of faith.
Be sure to keep on the lookout for the much anticipated sequel to The Salesman's Bible: What to Say, How to Say It & Why. The Salesman's Bible II: The Ethical Salesman is already on the table and if all goes as planned will hit store shelves this year 2011. I can let it slip that it is written in the style of a choose-your-own adventure book where the reader is asked to direct the course of book's outcome. Equipped with over 30 possible storyline endings, The Salesman's Bible II: The Ethical Salesman asks you the reader to try and make ethical decisions as you follow the main character through a series of direct selling and other ethical conundrums. If you choose wisely you will reveal the books answer to one of life's age old questions and find a truly biblical answer. But only a reader pure of heart can navigate this book's not-so-clear ethical choices. Are ye such an individual?

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